7 tips to beat the holiday stress!


Holidays have a different meaning to each of us. To some of us is about being with family. To others, it means shopping; to some is about receiving gifts; to some others it is about traveling, food, cooking, and so on.

The holiday season should be the most joyful time of the year, but it has also become a stressful time for many. That special magic you felt as a child sometimes turns into feelings of stress and pressure.

Stress during the holidays are commonly associated with:

  • Overspending on gifts, trying to keep everyone happy.

  • Heightened tensions, especially when we gather in groups.

  • Physical exhaustion from holiday-related errands and obligations.

Here are my 7 tips to minimize holiday stress and keep you in good mental shape:

1.Plan ahead. 

Create separate lists of all the things that you want to do this holiday season organized by category:  For example, family, friends, food, and fun. Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, connecting with friends, and other activities. 

Check my previous blog for planning tips during the holidays

2. Learn to say "no."

You've got a million things to do during the holidays, in addition to your job and family. Saying yes when you should say no can leave you feeling resentful and overwhelmed. So face it: You can't do everything. Focus on the most important people and things instead. 

 All the activities on your holiday schedule are not equally important. Select three activities that would bring the most meaning to this season for you. Ensure you do those three things and don't add anything else to your schedule unless you genuinely have the time and desire.

 3. Practice an attitude of gratitude. 

 The more thanks you give, the less stress you'll have. So try this. Every day during the holiday season, take two minutes to write down all the things that you're thankful for. When the holiday stresses start coming in your direction, your list of thanks will come back into your head and cancel out the negatives. Try this app


4. Don't abandon healthy habits.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you. It will tell you if you're off balance or have too much stress. You'll get some signals such as muscle tension, aches, and pains, or sleepless nights.

5. Set your spending limits in advance. 

Many people talk about how expensive the holidays have gotten to be. So set your spending limits in advance. Know what you are comfortable spending, and stick to that decision. 


6. Remember What Makes You Happy.

Find something that reduces stress by clearing your mind, slowing your breathing, and restoring inner Calm. I recommend this app. It’s a constant reminder to decompress myself out.

As crucial as noting your stressors, you should also consider what brings you happiness and try hard to maximize those moments during the holidays, whether baking cookies or singing carols or volunteering somewhere. Some other options may include: taking a walk, listening to soothing music and reading a book.

7. Seek a professional organizer to help if you need it. 

Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself feeling persistently overwhelmed or frustrated. Remind yourself that asking for help is a sign of courage. Sometimes it is just too much, or we don't know where to start. A professional organizer will help you organize any space of your home and help you plan and tackle all your to-do lists so you can experience a stress-free holiday season and enjoy every minute of it. 


Don't let the holidays become something you dread. Instead, take these seven tips to prevent the stress that can occur during the holidays. Learn to recognize your holiday stress triggers, such as financial pressures or personal demands, so you can combat them before they lead to a meltdown. With a little planning, positive thinking, and some help from a Professional Organizer, you can find peace and joy during the holidays. Enjoy!


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